- 一陣風
- (一陣風, 一阵风)
《金瓶梅詞話》第七回: “趕人鬧裏, 七手八腳, 將婦人床帳、粧奩、箱籠, 搬的搬, 抬的抬, 一陣風都搬去了。”茅盾 《子夜》十五: “ 瑪金 就像一陣風似的跑下了樓, 跑出了這屋子, 跑出了那弄堂。”
Ханьюй Да Цыдянь. 1975—1993.
Ханьюй Да Цыдянь. 1975—1993.
List of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils characters — The following is a list of characters from Jin Yong s wuxia novel Demi Gods and Semi Devils. There are about over 230 characters in the novel, including those who are only mentioned by name. Contents 1 Protagonists 2 Kingdom of Dali 3 Murong… … Wikipedia